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Best Counter-Strike Maps of All Time

3rd Nov 2017
Ranked by 11
Views: 9K
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Maps form the backbone of Counter-Strike. Whether it be Dust 2's four-clover layout or Nuke's innovative two floor structure, the maps of CS GO are an integral part of the tactical gameplay that makes Counter-Strike the best FPS out there. The design of a map determines the weapons one should purchase at the start of every round and the flashes and smokes one should throw in order to achieve victory. Some maps favour Ts, others favour the counter-terrorists. The rich tapestry of maps available to CS players is one of the most important reasons for the long-lasting dominance of Counter-Strike in the FPS genre. Here, I have compiled a list of the most popular Counter-Strike maps that have stood the test of time. Rank this list to let me know which are your favorites or at the least which ones you like after Dust II :D. Sources: PC Gamer, Counter-Strike Wiki, Team-Liquid.net

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Best Counter-Strike Maps of All Time



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Cobblestone (de_cbble), formerly known as Cbble and also known as Cobble, is a bomb defusal map featured in the Counter-Strike series. The map was originally called de_cstle and was always intended to be set in a castle, but de_cstle was scrapped in favor of the redesign that became de_cbble. It was introduced in Counter-Strike Beta 6.5. Memorable competitive moments on de_cbble include SK.SpawN's attempted ninja defuse against Ninjas in Pyjamas at CPL Winter 2005. The remake for CS:GO was released on December 18, 2013 along with Overpass with the Winter Offensive update. In remaking the map, Valve focused on opening the map up and adding more strategic options for site takes and retakes. The first professional CS:GO tournament to feature the map was ESL One: Cologne 2014, where it was played 6 times, including in the grand finals. The old castle of Cobblestone holds many small pathways, corners and plateaus to hide in for T. This keeps the CT side players guessing constantly until T decide to make a move. The superstar player GeT_RiGhT is well known for his lurking playstyle. Popping out of corners to surprise the enemy when they least expect it and being as annoying to the enemy team as possible. Cobblestone gives GeT_RiGhT the power and the chance to top the scoreboard.
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