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Best Counter-Strike Maps of All Time

3rd Nov 2017
Ranked by 11
Views: 9K
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Maps form the backbone of Counter-Strike. Whether it be Dust 2's four-clover layout or Nuke's innovative two floor structure, the maps of CS GO are an integral part of the tactical gameplay that makes Counter-Strike the best FPS out there. The design of a map determines the weapons one should purchase at the start of every round and the flashes and smokes one should throw in order to achieve victory. Some maps favour Ts, others favour the counter-terrorists. The rich tapestry of maps available to CS players is one of the most important reasons for the long-lasting dominance of Counter-Strike in the FPS genre. Here, I have compiled a list of the most popular Counter-Strike maps that have stood the test of time. Rank this list to let me know which are your favorites or at the least which ones you like after Dust II :D. Sources: PC Gamer, Counter-Strike Wiki, Team-Liquid.net

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Best Counter-Strike Maps of All Time

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Dust II (Dust 2)

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Dust II, also known as Dust 2 (de_dust2) is a Bomb Defusal map featured in the Counter-Strike series. It is the successor to Dust. Perhaps the quintessential CS:GO map, Dust II has been a classic since its original release. The map captures the essence of CS and has been one of the most popular maps in the Counter-Strike series. Its strong balance and strategic gameplay makes it synonymous with the Counter-Strike franchise. It is widely played on many servers and is a popular choice for Counter-Strike tournaments as well. Dust 2 is reliably fun but is often a victim of its own popularity. It has the “easy to learn, hard to master” quality we value in games, with the sniping lane down mid being a great example of the latter. Re-taking bombsite B, despite three entry points, is satisfyingly tough for the CTs. Both teams have to hurry to occupy the junction at long A, a perfectly-timed early-round flashpoint. Architecturally, the map appears to be set in the Middle East, similar to its predecessor Dust. Earlier versions of the map lack many identifying features, with the only identifying features being what looks like sandstone textures for walls and sand for floor.Later games added more visually identifiable features to show the map's setting. The original Global Offensive version featured islamic architecture and presence of military and conflict activity such as Jeeps and bombed walls, reflecting a contemporary view of the Middle East. In the revamped version, the map is set in Morocco, which is not in the geographic region of Middle East, but featured similar architectural styles.
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