It is no secret that PUBG Mobile has been an amazing hit with fans of the original PC game and mobile gamers alike. And while it would be easy to get bogged down on exactly how the development team managed to squeeze the iconic battle royale experience onto such humble devices, we are more concerned with how best to kill every other player in sight and get to that Chicken Dinner. To do this, one needs stealth, precision, a good sense of timing and location and most importantly - an intimate knowledge of every weapon in the game. There are a variety of them in PUBG Mobile, with slightly different specs to those in the full game, meaning that your PC load out of choice may not quite apply here. Also, some weapons are not as convenient when using a touchscreen. So to help you get fat on chicken dinners, we have broken down all the weapons available in the game with their descriptions and stats. Which are your favorite and why? WEAPON SKIN GIVEAWAY RULES (1 Winner every week!) : 1. Rank this list, Submit it and Share your ranking on Facebook. 2. Invite 5 friends by clicking on your profile photo on the top-right hand corner and clicking invite (Your friends must Sign up for your invitations to count). 3. Like our Facebook page: 4. Write your PUBG Mobile Player Name or Character ID in the comments below and tell us why your #1 weapon is your favorite! (WE NEED THIS TO GIFT THE SKINS TO YOU)
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The M416 is a tactical assault rifle/carbine type weapon based on the discontinued XM8-project, as an improvement of both the M16 / AR-15 and the M4 Carbine. Compared to the other 5.56mm assault rifles, in its unmodified state the M416 is fairly similar to the other rifles besides its slightly faster rate of fire compared to the SCAR-L, however its strong points are the fact that it can accept the most modifications of any of the assault rifles, accepting muzzle, magazine, stock, lower and upper rail attachments, as well has having exceptional stability, only bested by the AUG. A fully modified M416 is therefore highly sought after as its very low recoil allows for controllable spraying even with a 4x ACOG Scope attached. The M416 will deal maximum damage out to 60 meters, with damage reaching a minimum at 450 meters. While the PC experience warrants a more long-ranged play style, the mobile version sets its sights on a generally closer, more action-packed affair, especially early on. The controls are not as precise, so long-range kills are a lot harder to pull off. As a result, you are going to want something that is versatile, able to dominate at mid range and extend further in a pinch. The M416 is definitely the way to go for this, especially when you start adding attachments into the mix. At full build, the M416 is an all-round powerhouse which will see you through to the final 10 with ease. You may want to pair it with a high-firing SMG to cover all of your bases, but it can be used close-range if needed. The M416 is also one of the most common weapons in the game, making it easy to get and upgrade early on. PUBG Mobile definitely encourages a more aggressive play style over the methodical stealth feel that the PC game cultivates. The M416 is the perfect weapon for this, excelling in urban shootouts and final-circle firefights. Type: Assault Rifle Ammo: 5.56mm, 30 shots per clip, 40 extended Capacity: 500 Attachment Slots: 5 Power: Mid Effective Range: Mid Stability: Low Firing Rate: High
The most well-known assault rifle in PUBG Mobile is the Kalashnikov. It has two fire modes: semi-auto for close range, and full auto for long-range combat. You can attach a scope to it and increase the magazine for a complete tour de force. The AKM also has the highest damage amongst all other assault rifles in the game, and at the same time, it has a relatively good accuracy. Type: Assault Rifle Ammo: 7.62mm, 30 shots per clip Capacity: 500 Power: Mid (42) Effective Range: Mid (60) Stability: Low (34) Firing Rate: Mid (61)
The Steyr AUG A3 is an air drop-only assault rifle type weapon, and for good reason - its exceptional handling and high muzzle velocity make it a highly sought after weapon for anyone fortunate enough to come across a crate and get away with its contents alive. The AUG utilizes the same attachment points and even has the same ballistics as the SCAR-L, albeit with a higher muzzle velocity and slightly increased drag coefficient meaning that bullets fired from this gun will have a slightly more curved trajectory, canceled out by the fact that the bullets travel much faster compared to the SCAR-L. A major drawback of the AUG however is its relatively slow reload time, with a tactical reload alone having a duration of 3 seconds, thus a quick draw magazine will be vital. Its rate of fire is also relatively slow, which allows for better stability but somewhat reduces its capability in close quarters combat. The AUG will deal maximum damage out to 70 meters. Damage starts to decrease past that point, with the maximum damage falloff at 482 meters. When equipped with a compensator and foregrip, the AUG has slightly more overall stability compared to an equally equipped M416.
The OTs-14 Groza is an assault rifle type weapon that can only be found in Air Drops. Essentially a bullpup AKM, its name translates to Thunderstorm or Terror and for good reason - combining the raw stopping power of 7.62 mm ammo with a blistering rate of fire only found in the smaller caliber assault rifles. Dealing the same damage as the AKM and boasting the second-highest rate of fire of all assault rifles, only bested by the M16A4, it can turn the tables around for whoever is lucky enough to get their hands on this rare weapon, particularly in the final stages of the match. While this weapon could be deemed overpowered, it has one major drawback: an abysmal reload time of 3 seconds when performing a dry reload. It is therefore advised to not empty the entire magazine, however its rate of fire in a firefight may make this rather difficult, so the next best option would be checking that the area around is secure enough to warrant a fresh magazine in the gun. Quickdraw magazines can also help mitigate the long reload time. Other drawbacks are its inability to accept foregrips of any kind, or any telescopic sights stronger than a 4x scope, reinforcing its use as a close-quarters weapon. Backing this up is the fact that the only muzzle attachment it can take is a suppressor. These flaws only serve to represent the power of the Groza, and it is therefore advised to prioritize players using this weapon, especially when there are less than 10 players alive. The long reload time can be seen as an opportunity to move in for the kill, provided that the target does not have a backup weapon such as a Saiga-12K. Type: Assault Rifle Ammo: 7.62mm, 30 shots per clip Capacity: 500 Power: Mid Effective Range: Mid Stability: Low Firing Rate: Mid
The UMP, short for Universal Machine pistol, is a submachine gun that deals the second highest damage of all the SMGs, right behind the Tommy Gun, making it a very viable late-stage gun when fitted out with attachments. If for some reason you cannot find the Tommy Gun, then try to look out for the UMP9 submachine gun. Its already controllable recoil can be reduced even further with a foregrip and compensator, although stealthy players may opt for a suppressor instead since it already has minimal recoil to begin with. You will have no trouble shredding your opponents to pieces. Since this model has minimum recoil, you can safely attach a silencer to it and kill everyone from ambushes. Type: Submachine Gun Ammo: 9mm, 30 shots per clip Capacity: 500 Power: Low (30) Effective Range: Low (30) Stability: Low (31) Firing Rate: High (62)
The AWM is a magnum sniper rifle in that sports a magazine size of 5, capacity of 500, and 4 attachment points. By taking a quick look at this weapon’s stats, you’ll see that it’s most endearing traits are it’s far-reaching range and lethal stopping power. The downside to this powerhouse is it’s ridiculously slow firing rate. Where To Find: Airdrop Suggested Ammunition: .300 Winchester Magnum Suggested Attachments: Compensator and Extended Quickdraw Magazine for sniper rifles What assault rifles can't do, sniper rifles can. Actually, combining these two is the best option you will ever have. If you can't put down an enemy in one shot with a sniper rifle (which is highly doubtful if you'll be using the AWM, with its incredibly high damage), you can always finish the job with an AKM or M16. The only drawback is that you won't be able to find it on the ground, so wait for the air drop. Type: Sniper Rifle Ammo: .300 Magnum, 5 shots per clip Capacity: 500 Power: Very High (100) Effective Range: Very High (100) Stability: Low (34) Firing Rate: Very low (6)
The SCAR-L is an assault rifle type weapon that is the light variant of the FN SCAR (Special Operations Forces Combat Assault Rifle), a gas-operated short-stroke gas piston automated rifle chambered to a variety of casings. The SCAR-L is a great assault rifle in Battlegrounds as it has low recoil and a good fire-rate on full auto. With a vertical grip and compensator the rifle can comfortably be used on full auto even with a 4x scope. The main drawback is its restrictive iron sights, so finding a reflex sight or scope should be a priority when finding this weapon. It also has the slowest bullet speed of the 5.56 mm rifles, although this is still much faster than the 7.62 mm rifles. Type: Assault Rifle Ammo: 5.56mm, 30 shots per clip Capacity: 500 Power: Mid Effective Range: Mid Stability: Low Firing Rate: High
The DP-28 is a light machine gun type weapon in BATTLEGROUNDS. Manufactured in Russia, its Russian name is 'Пулемёт Дегтярёвa Пехотный Pulemyot Degtyaryova Pekhotny,' translating to 'Degtyaryov's infantry machine gun.' A slow but hard hitting machine gun, its distinctive 47-round pan magazine strikes a balance between the firepower of a full-power cartridge with the support capability of a machine gun. Its slow cyclic rate of fire means that its relatively strong recoil is somewhat manageable. Being a vintage weapon, it lacks attachments, being only capable of accepting sights up to the 4x ACOG scope, allowing greatly increased range for supporting fire. The bipod can be enabled by going prone, greatly reducing recoil compared to firing from a standing or crouched position, allowing more precise shots against distant targets. The DP-28 will deal maximum damage out to 50 meters, with damage falling off out to 298 meters, at which point bullets will do minimum damage. A Russian made, inter-war era light machine gun chambered for 7.62mm.
Compared to the other 5.56 mm rifles, the M16A4 has relatively low recoil and its burst mode allows it to potentially have the fastest fire rate of any assault rifle, however this is countered by the fact that the recoil occasionally jumps sideways, making it slightly harder to use. The M16A4 will deal maximum damage out to 50 meters, after which damage begins to decrease to its minimum value at 400 meters. One can select between single fire or burst fire mode, which fires off a burst of three rounds. Much like the AKM, it can only accept muzzle, magazine and sight mods. The M16A4 can only accept sights up to the 4x ACOG Scope, whereas the other rifles can accept the 8x and 15x scopes, limiting its use as a long-range sharpshooting rifle. The main difference between the AKM and the M16A4 is that the latter one is far more accurate and efficient at long-range combat. But it can be quite effective at close combat, too. Despite the lack of attachments, it is a very stable weapon with minimal recoil and as such excels at ranged combat, particularly since it has one of the fastest bullet velocities in the game, reducing the need to compensate for gravity and bullet travel time, making this weapon ideal for close to medium-long range combat. Burst mode can be devastating in close quarters combat as the delay between bursts is exactly the same as its delay between individual shots, allowing it to have the fastest rate of fire of all the assault rifles. Type: Assault Rifle Ammo: 5.56mm, 30 shots per clip Capacity: 500 Power: Low Effective Range: Mid Stability: Low Firing Rate: High