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Top Ten Nirvana Songs

6th Mar 2018
Ranked by 5
Views: 3.3K
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Nirvana is one of the most influential bands that created a revolution in the 90's. During the early 80's and 90's most bands used to compose music about love and hatred. This band tried to get out of the trend by sarcastically making songs that looks meaningless but have very deep meanings and successfully came out of the flow and created a revolution which made a great change in the music industry. Although this band didn't last long due to suicide of Kurt Cobain but during their reign they created songs that still influences the teen generation. Here is a list of their top ten revolutionary songs.

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Top Ten Nirvana Songs

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Come As You Are

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Kurt Cobain and his band potentially described how a person should be true about his personality and let others know about their true elf instead of hiding behind the mask of another personality. it also ironically inflicts the bad intention of a person. Kurt stated in an interview that "The lines in the song are really contradictory. One after another they are kind of a rebuttal to each line. It’s kind of confusing I guess. It’s just about people and what they are expected to act like." This was supposed to be the signature song of their album second album "Nevermind" but it was overshadowed by the song " Smells Like Teen Spirit" Yet it's a great song and made its rank to the 4th in the list.
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