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Best Commandos Characters

28th Feb 2018
Ranked by 6
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Commandos (developed by the Spanish company Pyro Studios and published by Eidos Interactive) is undoubtedly one of the best stealth-oriented, real-time tactics game series ever created. Apart from its historic World War Two setting, engaging game mechanics and clever map design, it features very interesting playable characters - with unique sets of skills and memorable catchphrases. From the ever-reliable Green Beret to the enigmatic Spy, there have been nine commandos in the series. Although all the characters are well-loved, Commandos fans definitely have their favorites. By ranking this list and hitting submit, let us know who your favorites are. Comment and share this list with other fans of this legendary game!

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Best Commandos Characters


Thief ('Lupin')

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Paul Toledo (born March 1, 1916 in Paris, France), known better as the Thief or Lupin is a recent addition to the Commandos. Growing up in an orphanage in the suburbs of Paris, he ran away at the age of 10 and fell into the hands of a young pick-pocket gang. Two years later in 1928 he was arrested and put in a remand home. As he got older, he chose a career in crime as an expert thief. In 1940 he stole Rene Duchamp's suitcase, thinking he was a German officer. He was surprised when he found important documents inside the suitcase and decided to put them in the hands of the French resistance . After that incident he was recommended by Duchamp to the Commandos and has been of great help ever since. Being the smallest and fastest of all of the Commandos, Lupin is quiet, soft spoken, and reserved. He has mastered several forms of martial arts helpful in disabling much bigger men quickly. His small stature is more than compensated by his agility to access small areas, break into houses, climb poles, swing on wires, climb walls, hide, pick locks and a host of other Ninja-like" talents. He can also open safes with his tools. Paul does not appear in Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines. In Commandos 3, the Thief is given the ability to silently kill enemies using a garrote.
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