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Best Dota 2 Heroes for New Players

6th Aug 2018
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What are the best Dota 2 heroes for beginners? There are, at the time of writing, 115 heroes in Dota 2, all of them appealing and exciting in their own unique ways. But choosing the right one, or the right combination of them for your team, can often be the difference between winning and losing, or at the very least, between struggling and cruising. As a beginner, this can make Dota 2 incredibly challenging, especially considering the lack of guidance the game offers you. All of the heroes play a very specific role in battle. Some of them can be played in multiple roles, sometimes even within the same game. To do well at Dota 2 it is important to understand what these roles are and how they interact with each other. But it is equally as important to realise that a hero’s role should inform how you play them and the items you purchase. Although every hero is a viable pick in Dota 2, but i think these are the best Dota 2 heroes for beginners to win games consistently over time.

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Best Dota 2 Heroes for New Players

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Source: ageeky.com

Crystal Maiden

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Crystal Maiden Role: Support (Ranged) Primary Attribute: Intelligence Crystal Nova Best Dota 2 heroesA burst of damaging frost slows enemy movement and attack rate in the targeted area. While fairly weak, this can be useful for finishing off enemies or slowing them down. Try to hit as many of them as possible with it to get the most out of it. Frostbite Best Dota 2 heroesEncases an enemy unit in ice, prohibiting movement and attack, while dealing damage. Comparatively, this deals more damage than Crystal Nova and will hold an enemy in place, allowing your carry to finish them off. It can also be used to farm jungle creeps. Arcane Aura Crystal Maiden Arcane AuraGives additional mana regeneration to all friendly units on the map. This is so useful, especially in the early game when most heroes struggle for mana. It also means your team won’t have to purchase mana regeneration items. Freezing Field Best Dota 2 heroesSurrounds Crystal Maiden with random icy explosions that slow enemies and deal massive damage. The sheer range and length of this ability can be enough to kill an entire enemy team. Moving or doing anything at all whilst channelling it will cancel it, so position yourself where the enemy can’t stun you. Crystal Maiden is an extremely versatile support who can comfortably be played as a pure support or as a frontline fighter. Always take Frostbite first as it will enable you to get early ganks on enemy heroes. Take Arcane Aura second to ensure that you can keep using Frostbite whenever you need to. After that, take a level in Crystal Nova and just use it to slow down enemies whilst levelling up Arcane Aura and Frostbite as they are much more useful. Take Freezing Field as soon as possible. It is one of the most powerful abilities in the entire game and most of your strategy will be based around choosing when and where to cast it. Suggested Items: Tranquil Boots Dota 2 Tranquil BootsWe’ve got the mana regeneration covered by your Arcane Aura and purchasing Tranquil Boots will take care the health side of things. If you are low on HP, simply stay out of the fight until these kick in. Eul’s Scepter of Divinity Dota 2 Eul's Scepter of DivinityThe Intelligence boost from Eul’s will increase your pool of mana and a little extra movement speed. Use it on yourself or an ally to make them temporarily invulnerable or on an enemy to move them. Glimmer Cape Dota 2 Glimmer CapeThis item turns you invisible and can be used during your Freezing Field. If you keep getting killed whilst casting Freezing Field then this might be a cheap solution. Black King Bar Dota 2 Black King Bar BKBSimilarly, BKB will stop enemies from being able to stun you out of your Freezing Field. Unfortunately, it's rather expensive and should only be purchased if you’ve managed to farm a lot. Aghanim’s Scepter Dota 2 Aghanim's ScepterPurchasing this will enable your Freezing Field to auto-cast Frostbite on any enemy who lingers within it for too long. As you can probably imagine that’s a pretty powerful upgrade.
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