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Best Dota 2 Heroes for New Players

6th Aug 2018
Ranked by 3
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What are the best Dota 2 heroes for beginners? There are, at the time of writing, 115 heroes in Dota 2, all of them appealing and exciting in their own unique ways. But choosing the right one, or the right combination of them for your team, can often be the difference between winning and losing, or at the very least, between struggling and cruising. As a beginner, this can make Dota 2 incredibly challenging, especially considering the lack of guidance the game offers you. All of the heroes play a very specific role in battle. Some of them can be played in multiple roles, sometimes even within the same game. To do well at Dota 2 it is important to understand what these roles are and how they interact with each other. But it is equally as important to realise that a hero’s role should inform how you play them and the items you purchase. Although every hero is a viable pick in Dota 2, but i think these are the best Dota 2 heroes for beginners to win games consistently over time.

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Best Dota 2 Heroes for New Players

Source: s1.1zoom.me


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Luna Role: Support/Nuker Primary Attribute: Agility Lucent Beam Takes a second to cast before stunning opponents briefly while Lucent beam dealing a decent amount of damage. Lucent Beam can be used early on in the game to deny enemy characters from farming creeps in your lane. However, even with the short second it takes to cast, you will still have to predict where your opponent is going to be stood when the beam finally hits. Moon Glaive A boomerang-like blade that jumps between enemies dealing less Moon Glaive damage with each consecutive bounce. Moon Glaive is best used in team fights. Even though it doesn’t deal significant damage, it helps weaken several opponents at the same time. However, be mindful that enemies have to be within a 500 radius of each other for the glaive to bounce from one enemy to another. The Glaive can perform a maximum of six bounces when upgraded completely. Lunar Blessing In true Support hero fashion, Lunar Blessing grants allies nearby an Lunar Blessing attack damage bonus as well as an increased night-vision radius. How can we call Luna a support if she doesn’t have an ability that helps out fellow team-mates? Well, this is what Lunar Blessing is for. This aura ability covers a wide radius of 900, granting both Luna and teammates within it an attack damage bonus as well as increased night vision. Eclipse Luna’s ultimate is enough to take down a couple of enemies with Eclipse beams striking from above. Luna’s ultimate takes 0.6 seconds to cast and can fire up to 11 beams. However, the beams’ damage is directly related to Lucent Beam’s level, so make sure to upgrade that first to fully take advantage of Eclipse’s true potential. Luna is a great support character. With her Lunar Blessing and Moon Glaive abilities she can help her allies by both weakening the opposition and strengthening her surrounding team-mates. Not only that, but she can also take care of things herself when the situation arises with her Eclipse and Lucent Beam. Suggested Items: Ring of Aquila An item that truly serves Luna’s role as a Support character. Not only Ring of Aquilla does it grant Luna increased Agility, Strength, Intelligence, and Damage, it also increases her team-mates’ mana regeneration and armour within a 900 radius. Manta Style Significantly increases Luna’s agility and, when activated, creates two Mantra Style images that lasts 20 seconds. Even though these images deal decreased damage and receive increased damage from enemies, they can be used strategically for decoys and ambushes. Helm of the Dominator Adding two points across the board to Luna, it also enables you to Helm of the Dominator control a creep (even enemy creeps). This can add some pretty powerful creeps to your side, especially if you choose one from the Jungle. Aghanim’s Scepter Even though it’s a relatively expensive item, try your best to get it Aghanims Scepter sooner rather than later. It grants Luna 200 HP points and 150 Mana on top of whatever she already has. It doesn’t stop there though; it considerably buffs Eclipse’s effectiveness by increasing the number of beams casted, the cast range, and the cast interval between every beam.
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