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Best Dota 2 Heroes for New Players

6th Aug 2018
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What are the best Dota 2 heroes for beginners? There are, at the time of writing, 115 heroes in Dota 2, all of them appealing and exciting in their own unique ways. But choosing the right one, or the right combination of them for your team, can often be the difference between winning and losing, or at the very least, between struggling and cruising. As a beginner, this can make Dota 2 incredibly challenging, especially considering the lack of guidance the game offers you. All of the heroes play a very specific role in battle. Some of them can be played in multiple roles, sometimes even within the same game. To do well at Dota 2 it is important to understand what these roles are and how they interact with each other. But it is equally as important to realise that a hero’s role should inform how you play them and the items you purchase. Although every hero is a viable pick in Dota 2, but i think these are the best Dota 2 heroes for beginners to win games consistently over time.

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Best Dota 2 Heroes for New Players


Ogre Magi

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Ogre Magi Role: Support (Melee) Primary Attribute: Intelligence Fireblast Best Dota 2 heroesBlasts an enemy unit with a wave of fire, dealing damage and stunning the target. The burst damage and stun from Fireblast is a great way to start a fight or to stop a threat in its tracks. Use it to help your carry win fights. Ignite Ogre Magi IgniteDrenches a target in volatile chemicals, causing it to burst into flames. The target is in immense pain, taking damage and moving more slowly. This really slows down an enemy. Use it to stop them from escaping or to harass them during the early game. Bloodlust Best Dota 2 heroesIncites a frenzy in a friendly unit, increasing its movement speed and attack speed. Can be cast on towers. If you have enough mana, you should be casting this whenever possible. The attack and movement speed boost it gives will make your team mates un-escapable. Multicast Ogre Magi MulticastEnables Ogre Magi to cast spells multiple times with each use. Fully levelled up, Multicast gives you a chance to cast each of your abilities four times. This means that, if you’re lucky, you can kill an enemy with one Fireblast. Unrefined Fireblast Ogre Magi Unrefined FireblastBlasts an enemy unit with a wave of fire, dealing damage and stunning the target. This can only be gained by purchasing an Aghanim’s Scepter. It works like a standard Fireblast but costs 60% of all your remaining mana, so use it last. Ogre Magi is a very tough support who has both powerful abilities and the capacity to trade blows with enemy heroes. Help the carry to farm in the early game by using your abilities to fend off enemy heroes. When it’s time to start fighting, initiate with your Fireblast before casting Bloodlust on an ally. Then simply bash the enemy to death. You can use Ignite to to slow down any fleeing foes, as well as using it to simply aid in the fight. Level up Multicast whenever you can to make your other abilities more powerful. Suggested Items: Arcane Boots Dota 2 Arcane BootsActivate the Arcane Boots to gain a mana boost for your allies and yourself. You’ll need these because your spells cost a lot of mana. Mekansm Dota 2 MekansmUse Mekansm (pronounced mechanism) any time you start to lose a team fight. It will boost the HP of all allies in range. Aghanim’s Scepter Dota 2 Aghanim's ScepterAs well as a huge attribute boost, this item will give you a whole new ability in the form of Unrefined Fireblast. This is considered a key item on Ogre Magi because you now have two stuns which deal huge damage. Force Staff Dota 2 Force StaffForce Staff boosts your intelligence and health regeneration. But when you use it you can push an ally, enemy, or yourself in the direction they are currently facing. Use it to help catch a fleeing enemy or aid the escape of a fleeing ally. Scythe of Vyse Dota 2 Scythe of VyseOften referred to as ‘the sheep stick’. This item can be cast on an enemy to turn them into a harmless sheep or pig for 3.5 seconds. It also gives a large attribute and mana regeneration boost.
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