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Best Dota 2 Heroes for New Players

6th Aug 2018
Ranked by 3
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What are the best Dota 2 heroes for beginners? There are, at the time of writing, 115 heroes in Dota 2, all of them appealing and exciting in their own unique ways. But choosing the right one, or the right combination of them for your team, can often be the difference between winning and losing, or at the very least, between struggling and cruising. As a beginner, this can make Dota 2 incredibly challenging, especially considering the lack of guidance the game offers you. All of the heroes play a very specific role in battle. Some of them can be played in multiple roles, sometimes even within the same game. To do well at Dota 2 it is important to understand what these roles are and how they interact with each other. But it is equally as important to realise that a hero’s role should inform how you play them and the items you purchase. Although every hero is a viable pick in Dota 2, but i think these are the best Dota 2 heroes for beginners to win games consistently over time.

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Best Dota 2 Heroes for New Players

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Viper Role: Solo Mid/Carry Primary Attribute: Agility Poison Attack Viper Poison AttackIntensifies Viper's venom, adding an effect to his normal attack that slows attack and movement speed while dealing damage over time. Very useful for chasing down enemies; right-click the ability icon to have it auto-cast. Nethertoxin Viper NethertoxinNethertoxin causes Viper's normal attack to deal bonus damage to units based on how much health they are missing. The bonus damage doubles for each 20% of health missing from the target. Translation: The bloodier the target, the deadlier the Viper. Corrosive Skin Viper Corrosive SkinViper exudes an infectious toxin that damages and slows any enemy that damages it in a 1400 radius. This passive ability makes it very risky for enemy heroes to chase you. It will often be the only thing keeping you alive during team fights. Viper Strike Viper Viper StrikeViper slows the targeted enemy unit's movement and attack speed while also dealing poison damage over time. Cast this on an enemy and then blast them down with Poison Attack to immediately remove them from any fight. Viper is one of the best gankers in the game. Both taking damage from and giving damage to him will slow an enemy, often leaving them with no choice but to stand and fight to the death... usually their death. He is, however, very reliant on farming because he needs certain items to be useful. He also drops off a little in the late game so if you pick him you should focus on pushing towers and winning as quickly as possible. Start off by taking alternating levels in Nether Toxin and Poison Attack. Take Viper Strike to level 6 and you’re ready to gank. Suggested Items: Power Treads Dota 2 Power TreadsActivate Power Treads and switch them to green in order to gain a boost to your agility. Shadow Blade Dota 2 Shadow BladeIncreasing your attack speed and turning you invisible, Shadow Blade is a must-have if you intend to focus on ganking. Dragon Lance Dota 2 Dragon LanceAs well as increasing your attack speed and damage output, this will enable you to attack from further away, allowing you to more easily close the gap between yourself and the enemy. Manta Style Dota 2 Manta StyleManta provides a whole host of attribute increases and when cast will create two illusions of Viper. It’s great for pushing towers and blasting down enemies. Monkey King Bar Dota 2 Monkey King Bar MKBMKB has a chance to mini-stun an enemy, making Viper even more of a nightmare to escape from. It also boosts your attack damage.
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