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Most Anticipated Open-World Games of 2018

22nd Dec 2017
Ranked by 1
Views: 6.3K
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It is the end of another year and while we look back and appreciate the amazing games that have been released in 2017, we cannot help but jump aboard the hype train for the exciting titles to be released next year. It would not be too far-fetched to say that 2018 is likely to be the year of Open-World Games. Improved graphics engines and internet speeds have made it possible for even small indie developers to dream bigger and bolder to create expansive and immersive worlds where players can create stories and adventures of their own. Here is a list of the most anticipated Open-World Games that we will be able to play in 2018. Rank this list in the order of how likely these titles are to live up to the hype!

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Most Anticipated Open-World Games of 2018

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Days Gone

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Days Gone (stylized as DAYS GONE) is an upcoming action-adventure survival horror video game in development by SIE Bend Studio and to be published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for PlayStation 4 in 2018. It will be the first intellectual property created by SIE Bend Studio since Syphon Filter in 1999 and the first home console game developed by the studio since Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow in 2010. Unreal Engine 4 is being used for the game's development. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic open world environment and played from a third-person perspective. The player takes control of the game's protagonist "Deacon St. John" (Samuel Witwer), a drifter and former bounty hunter who prefers to live a dangerous life on the road over living in wilderness encampments.The game takes place two years after a global pandemic occurred which killed almost all of humanity, and transformed millions of others into "Freakers", mindless zombie-like creatures that are quickly evolving. In the E3 2016 stage demo of the game, two types of "Freakers" were revealed, Newts and Hordes. As the game is set in an open world environment, the player can use multiple ways to complete objectives, such as utilizing stealth for silent takedowns or taking the aggressive approach by using long and short ranged weapons. A dynamic weather system and day-night cycle will also feature in the game, which will affect the gameplay making "Freakers" weak and slow during the day-time but fast and aggressive during the night. Vehicles such as motorbikes can be used to explore the game's world. The player is able to craft new items to improve combat efficiency.
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      5 years ago
      May I know pls, on which criteri, the ranks are being set up. Thank you
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