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Most Anticipated Open-World Games of 2018

22nd Dec 2017
Ranked by 1
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It is the end of another year and while we look back and appreciate the amazing games that have been released in 2017, we cannot help but jump aboard the hype train for the exciting titles to be released next year. It would not be too far-fetched to say that 2018 is likely to be the year of Open-World Games. Improved graphics engines and internet speeds have made it possible for even small indie developers to dream bigger and bolder to create expansive and immersive worlds where players can create stories and adventures of their own. Here is a list of the most anticipated Open-World Games that we will be able to play in 2018. Rank this list in the order of how likely these titles are to live up to the hype!

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Most Anticipated Open-World Games of 2018

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Edge of Eternity

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Edge of Eternity is a Sci-Fi Fantasy mmo that mixes some of the aspects of a typical western sandbox MMO with the combat system of a JRPG. The environment is open world allowing for exploration and a branching story but with intense action turn-based battles. The game is currently in pre-alpha stages and is being developed by Midgar Studio, a game developing company based in France. The game, orginally set for Steam/PC, Mac and Linux will now also be developed for PS4 and XBox One. There is no release date at this time. The game is set on a planet by the name of Heryon. Heryon was once a peaceful world, consisting of three regions known as Junor, Astrya and Dehostra. Crystals gave the realms equal access to powerful magic powers and created a harmonious balance. Then a massive spaceship arrived one day and changed everything. Junor was attacked and their capital city was destroyed. Reynan, Grand General of Dehostra's armies too leadership for the defense of Heryon. He founded the Consortium and used the magic powers of the crystals to launch a counterattack. After several battles, the Consortium succeeded in pushing back the invadors but that wasn't enough. The invadors unleashed a terrible biological weapon that the people of Heryon soon called The Metal Sickness. 30 years later, the siege is still going on and Heryon lives in pain and fear of a new open war. The plague slowly turned all types of life forms into half organic, half mechanic creatures. Anyone suffering from the change was left in angonizing pain that would evetually drive them mad. With no available cure, the infected were banished from the cities and moved or forced to quarantine camps in Junor. Those who didn't make the journey were killed by scared villigers or became wondering deadly monsters. 20 years after the invasion first began, the Consortium considers themselves the rulers of Heryon and it's soldiers ruthlessly hunt all technology and slaughter anyone found with the plague. Only a few dare to question them. The game begins with Daryon, an adventurous student of the Royal Academy of Astrya where he meets Selen, a young woman from the nomad clans formed by the survivors of Junor. Both have been convicted for illegal use of technology and are being hunted by the Consortium. As they run for their lives, they will meet new allies and begin a journey that will change the fate of Heryon.
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      5 years ago
      May I know pls, on which criteri, the ranks are being set up. Thank you
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