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Most Anticipated Open-World Games of 2018

22nd Dec 2017
Ranked by 1
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It is the end of another year and while we look back and appreciate the amazing games that have been released in 2017, we cannot help but jump aboard the hype train for the exciting titles to be released next year. It would not be too far-fetched to say that 2018 is likely to be the year of Open-World Games. Improved graphics engines and internet speeds have made it possible for even small indie developers to dream bigger and bolder to create expansive and immersive worlds where players can create stories and adventures of their own. Here is a list of the most anticipated Open-World Games that we will be able to play in 2018. Rank this list in the order of how likely these titles are to live up to the hype!

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Most Anticipated Open-World Games of 2018

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Far Cry 5

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Far Cry 5 is an upcoming action-adventure first-person shooter video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It is the eleventh installment and the fifth main title in the Far Cry series. It is scheduled to be released on March 27, 2018. Similar to its predecessors, Far Cry 5 is an action-adventure first-person shooter set in an open world environment which the player can explore freely on foot or via various vehicles. Unlike previous titles in the series where the player takes on the role of a set character, the game will feature a new character creator, which the player can use to customize their character's appearances, gender and skin tone. The player will have a variety of ranged and explosive weapons to fight against enemies, while the game will place a renewed emphasis on close-quarters combat compared to previous Far Cry titles by introducing a wider range of melee weapons. The game will also feature a recruitment system, in which the player can recruit locals in the county to fight alongside them similar to the "Buddy" system used in Far Cry 2. In this "Guns for Hire" system, the player needs to convince other locals to join their cause, and every companion fighter has their own unique skills and personalities. The player can also tame wild animals through the "Fang for Hire" system, previously introduced in Far Cry Primal. The tamed wildlife will assist the player in combat and follow the player's orders. Different wildlife will have different combat patterns. A fishing mechanic will also be introduced. The campaign can be played individually or with a partner through the game's cooperative multiplayer mode. The game will also feature a map editor, whose features have been expanded from previous titles. The game is set in the fictional Hope County, Montana, where a preacher named Joseph Seed has risen to prominence. Seed believes that he has been chosen to protect the people of Hope County from an "inevitable collapse" and has established a congregation called Eden's Gate. Ostensibly, this is to fulfill his mission of leading the people to salvation; in reality, Seed is a radical preacher and Eden's Gate is a militaristic doomsday cult. Under his rule, Eden's Gate has used both coercion and violence to forcibly convert the residents of Hope County, and intimidation to keep them from contacting the outside world for help. When an attempt to arrest Seed ends with the deaths of several lawmen, the player is swept into the armed conflict between Eden's Gate and the remaining Hope County residents, who are organizing themselves into a resistance movement. The player takes on the role of a sheriff's deputy who is part of the task force sent to Hope County to arrest Seed. Seed has assumed the title of "the Father" and maintains control over Hope County with the aid of his siblings, known as "the Heralds": Jacob, a former military officer that oversees their armed soldiers; John, a lawyer that has been able to acquire much of the land in Hope County for Eden's Gate; and Faith, who acts as a pacifist to bring the people to believe and trust in her older brother. The residents of Hope County opposed to Seed include Pastor Jeffries, a local church leader that has seen his congregation taken by Eden's Gate; Mary May, a bartender whose father was driven to suicide by the cult; and Nick Rye, a cropduster pilot who wants to eliminate the influence of the cult in order to build a better future for his children.
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      5 years ago
      May I know pls, on which criteri, the ranks are being set up. Thank you
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