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Top 10: Football Managers in the World

21st Apr 2018
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A football team without a manager is like an army with a general - they can win a battle, they will not win a war. No matter how strong a team, without a good manager, they may win a good many numbers of matches, but they will never win a title. The modern era has seen a quite a few managers becoming legends, a handful who have sparkled for a while and then faded away. Here's a list of our pick of top 10 best football managers at the moment. Rank the list and let us know your views.

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Top 10: Football Managers in the World


Pep Guardiola

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After a distinguished career as a defensive midfielder for Barcelona, Josep Guardiola was elevated to manager of the club's B team in 2007. One year later, he was made first team boss. After making drastic and risky changes to Barcelona's first team and footballing strategy, the club won the treble in his first season. Pep went on to win 3 La Liga titles, 2 domestic cups, 3 Super cups, 2 Champions Leagues, 2 European super cups, and 2 World club cups, claiming a total of 14 trophies in 4 seasons. Guardiola then took a year out to recover before becoming Bayern Munich manager in 2013. He won the domestic double in his first season, and again in 2016, but never reached a Champions League final in his 3 years at the club. In all, he claimed a further 7 trophies with Bayern. In 2016, he took over at big-spending Manchester City and, after a season without a trophy, is breaking all sorts of records in his second season! Guardiola's teams are known for keeping possession, pressing relentlessly, and their sublime creativity.
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