The landscape of television and film looked very different back in 2008, when Marvel took a chance on a certain Golden Avenger. Iron Man began to slowly lay the groundwork, beginning a series of intricate steps made by the fledgling Marvel Studios and launching Phase One of their brilliant plan. By the time The Avengers was released in 2012, any doubts about the MCU had been assuaged. Marvel Studios has come a long way since then. Phase Three has almost double the amount of films as the previous two phases and Marvel has also taken Netflix by storm with their ambitious five-show plan. Not to mention Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, which is blowing through an awesome fourth season, and The Inhumans, set to premiere in IMAX September 26th, 2017. The MCU has become its own separate entity, drawing inspiration from its source material while continually expanding its own rich mythology. A large part of what ties this universe together is the way the characters within its framework are constantly evolving. The combination of inventive writing and spot-on casting has given us some truly memorable characters. Here are the Best Characters In The Marvel Cinematic Universe, for Ranked.
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