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Best Game of Thrones Music

1st Dec 2017
Ranked by 16
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One of the greatest appeals of the wildly popular TV Series Game of Thrones is the music that immerses the viewer into the world of Westeros and beyond. Composed by Ramin Djawadi, the music is primarily instrumental with occasional vocal performances, and is created to evoke emotions about the world, the characters and the plot of the show. The soundtracks feature various themes, the most recognizable of which is the Main Title that accompanies the series' title sequence. Other prominent tunes are those that are associated with the various houses on the show such as the Starks, Lannisters, Baratheons or the Targaryens. Many viewers have their own favorites and the choice likely depends on both the music itself and the context in which they were played first on the show. How would you rank the list? Drag and drop the items to reorder the list and hit submit to update the average ranking.

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Best Game of Thrones Music

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Light of the Seven

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"Light of the Seven" was first played during the Season 6 Finale ("The Winds of Winter") of Game of Thrones and was composed by Ramin Djawadi in 2016. The "Light of the Seven" is the first time piano is used in the music for Game of Thrones. It is over 9 minutes long and plays over scenes with very minimal dialogue. The piano begins slowly and ominously, and builds up the anticipation, without giving any inclination about the possible outcome of the events being played out. The scene is set in King's Landing, where Cersei Lannister is up for trial along with Loras Tyrell for their 'moral transgressions'. The High Sparrow and the Faith militant gather in the Great Sept along with members of the Tyrell family. Although Loras confesses to his 'crimes', Cersei remains in her chambers and fails to even appear for her trial. When Lancel Lannister is sent to retrieve her, he comes upon one of Qyburn's spies beneath the Sept, and discovers that a cache of Wildfire is set to explode. Inside the Sept, Margaery Tyrell, realizing that Cersei might have set a trap, warns the crowd to leave, but the High Sparrow forbids anyone from leaving. Meanwhile, Qyburn summons Grand Maester Pycelle to his laboratory, where his child spies stab Pycelle to death. Lancel is stabbed in the spine before he can disarm the cache and the wildfire ignites, destroying the Great Sept and killing everyone inside. King Tommen Baratheon, realizing that Margaery has died from the explosion, commits suicide by jumping out a window. "Light of the Seven" is the perfect accompaniment to this turn of events that result in the death of many major characters and a huge change in the power dynamic in the world of 'Game of Thrones'. It was nominated for the International Film Music Critics Association for "Film Music Composition Of The Year". The piece received universal praise from critics and fans. A remixed version of "Light of the Seven" was used in a Season 7 trailer and the final motif from this piece is used in the Season 6 track "Hear Me Roar" and subsequently on "The Long Farewell" or "No One Walks Away From Me" which are also played in scenes depicting Cersei and her machinations for power.
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