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Best Game of Thrones Music

1st Dec 2017
Ranked by 16
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One of the greatest appeals of the wildly popular TV Series Game of Thrones is the music that immerses the viewer into the world of Westeros and beyond. Composed by Ramin Djawadi, the music is primarily instrumental with occasional vocal performances, and is created to evoke emotions about the world, the characters and the plot of the show. The soundtracks feature various themes, the most recognizable of which is the Main Title that accompanies the series' title sequence. Other prominent tunes are those that are associated with the various houses on the show such as the Starks, Lannisters, Baratheons or the Targaryens. Many viewers have their own favorites and the choice likely depends on both the music itself and the context in which they were played first on the show. How would you rank the list? Drag and drop the items to reorder the list and hit submit to update the average ranking.

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Best Game of Thrones Music

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Main Title Theme

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The "Main Title Theme" of "Game of Thrones" was composed by Ramin Djawadi in 2011, after series creator David Benioff and D. B. Weiss approached him requesting a theme that is befitting of a journey as there are many locations, characters in the series and the story involves much traveling. The title theme is unusually long for a television series at nearly two minutes long, and the main title theme has also been incorporated into other music segments, particularly at climactic moments. It has been played occasionally on its own in fragments, sometimes as part of the theme of individual characters or in combination with other pieces of music, and is also be played in large section during particularly important scenes. Djawadi was inspired to write the piece after he saw the animated title sequence, and decided to use the cello as the lead instrument as he thought it has a "darker sound" that suited the series. He said that he started humming what would become the theme tune in the car after seeing the visuals, and conceived of the idea for the theme on the drive back to his studio. Djawadi said that he wanted the main riff to reflect the "backstabbing and conspiracy" and the unpredictability of the show. "So even though the majority of the piece is in minor, there's that little hint of major in there where it kinda switches and then it changes back again." The main melody is then introduced with the cello, joined later by a solo violin that may suggest an interplay between different characters. The melody is then repeated with the entire orchestra. The next section introduces a change in melody, described by Djawadi as giving "a sense of adventure". The title theme ends with a combination of dulcimer and kantele, producing a "shimmery quality" in its sound that Djawadi thought would give a sense of mystery and anticipation for the episode.
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