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Best Game of Thrones Music

1st Dec 2017
Ranked by 16
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One of the greatest appeals of the wildly popular TV Series Game of Thrones is the music that immerses the viewer into the world of Westeros and beyond. Composed by Ramin Djawadi, the music is primarily instrumental with occasional vocal performances, and is created to evoke emotions about the world, the characters and the plot of the show. The soundtracks feature various themes, the most recognizable of which is the Main Title that accompanies the series' title sequence. Other prominent tunes are those that are associated with the various houses on the show such as the Starks, Lannisters, Baratheons or the Targaryens. Many viewers have their own favorites and the choice likely depends on both the music itself and the context in which they were played first on the show. How would you rank the list? Drag and drop the items to reorder the list and hit submit to update the average ranking.

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Best Game of Thrones Music

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The Rains of Castamere (Lannister Theme)

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The Rains of Castamere is a famous song in Westeros. It is dedicated to Tywin Lannister in particular and House Lannister in general. The Rains of Castamere immortalized the destruction of House Reyne by Tywin Lannister. House Reyne was obliterated after they rebelled against their liege lord, Tytos Lannister, who was perceived as weak by his own vassals. To restore Lannister dominance, Tytos's son, Tywin, marched against the upstart Lord Reyne. By the end of the rebellion, Castamere had been put to the torch and all members of House Reyne executed. The title is thus a play on words, as the "rains" fall over the empty halls of the "Reynes" who have been killed to the last man.[1] The lyrics heavily reference the fact that the sigil of House Reyne was also a lion, but a red one instead of the golden lion used as the sigil of House Lannister. The rebellion of the Reynes against the Lannisters was thus seen as a clash of lions. In the decades since young Tywin reasserted House Lannister's dominance by crushing the Reynes, The Rains of Castemere went on to become very popular with soldiers of the Westerlands, becoming an "anthem" of sorts for House Lannister. This extends to the point that even Western soldiers sometimes refer to it simply as, "the Lannister song". And who are you, the proud lord said, that I must bow so low? Only a cat of a different coat, that's all the truth I know. In a coat of gold or a coat of red, a lion still has claws, And mine are long and sharp, my lord, as long and sharp as yours. And so he spoke, and so he spoke, that Lord of Castamere, But now the rains weep o'er his hall, with no one there to hear. Yes now the rains weep o'er his hall, and not a soul to hear. The song's lyrics first appear in the novel A Storm of Swords, in which "The Rains of Castamere" is sung or mentioned several times. It remembers Tywin Lannister's victory over House Lannister's rebellious vassals of Reyne ("the Reynes of Castamere") and Tarbeck, about 40 years before the events of the novels. The stanza of the song that is reproduced in the novels and adapted for the television series tells of the vassals' defiance – "And who are you, the proud lord said / That I must bow so low?" – and the subsequent obliteration of their houses: "But now the rains weep o'er his hall / With no one there to hear." Late in the novel, the song is performed at the Red Wedding, another massacre of Tywin Lannister's enemies.[1] In the TV series, the song was first heard when Tyrion Lannister whistled a small part in the first episode of the second season.[2] An instrumental version can be heard during Tyrion's speech right after King Joffrey abandons the battlefield in the same episode. The season 2 soundtrack contains a rendition of the song "The Rains of Castamere" by the indie rock band The National, sung by their vocalist Matt Berninger.[3] On the published track list, the title is spelled "The Rains of Castomere" rather than "Castamere" as in the novels. The spelling is corrected on the printed listing on the liner notes that come with the disc.[4] It was played over the end credits of the ninth episode, "Blackwater". In season 3, an instrumental version of "The Rains of Castamere" plays over the end credits in episode 7, "The Bear and the Maiden Fair".[5] In episode 9 of season 3, also titled "The Rains of Castamere", an instrumental version of the song is played by the musicians at the Red Wedding. In episode 2 of season 4 of Game of Thrones ("The Lion and the Rose"), Icelandic band Sigur Rós makes a cameo appearance as musicians performing their rendition of "The Rains of Castamere" at the wedding of Joffrey and Margaery. Joffrey stops them midway by throwing coins at them. Their version also plays over the closing credits of this episode.[6] An orchestral rendition of the song appears as House Lannister's theme throughout seasons 3 and 4, available in the soundtrack as "A Lannister Always Pays His Debts." This song refers to the destruction of House Reyne by Tywin Lannister. House Reyne was obliterated after they rebelled against their liege lord, Tytos Lannister, who was perceived as weak by his own vassals. To restore Lannister dominance, Tytos's son, Tywin, marched against the upstart Lord Reyne and by the end of the rebellion, Castamere had been put to the torch and all members of House Reyne executed. The title is thus a play on words, as the "rains" fall over the empty halls of the "Reynes" who have been killed to the last man. The sigil of House Reyne was a lion, but a red one instead of the golden lion used as the sigil of House Lannister.
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