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Most Earthquake prone countries in the world

23rd Jan 2018
Ranked by 1
Views: 5.2K
Shares: 4

The natural disaster, Earthquake has caused immense damage to life and property. It has not only left thousands of people homeless, but has also ruined the lives of millions across the globe. Earthquakes affect many parts of the world every year. Also, earthquakes further lead to tsunamis and volcanic eruptions causing even more damage. The world is divided into seismic zones based on the tectonic plates and the magnitude of earthquakes. We bring you 10 most earthquake prone countries in the world and how the quake has caused immense damage in these countries.

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Most Earthquake prone countries in the world



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Japan tops the list of the earthquake prone areas. Japan’s physical geography and its location along the Pacific Ring of Fire makes the nation highly susceptible to earthquakes and tsunamis. The Ring of Fire is a tectonic plate in the Pacific Basin that is responsible for 90% of the world’s earthquakes and 81% of the world’s strongest quakes. On top of its prolific tectonic activity, Japan is also home to 452 volcanoes, making it the most disruptive geographic location in terms of natural catastrophes. The mega-thrust earthquake that hit Japan on March 11, 2011, was the strongest to hit Japan and one of the top five largest earthquakes in the world since seismological record-keeping began. It was followed by a tsunami with waves of up to 10 m (33 ft). The disaster left thousands dead and inflicted extensive material damage to buildings and infrastructure that led to significant accidents at four major nuclear power stations.
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