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Using Ranx

Here, you can learn about our unique features and find out how to use Ranx to ask opinion questions to the community, express your own opinion and discover the world's opinion through our dynamic content-rich surveys!

A. Getting started

1. Creating your account on Ranx

You must have a valid Ranx account in order to create content, respond to them, interact with other users and enjoy other features offered by our platform. To create a Ranx account:

Go to or click on the Sign up button on the upper right corner of this page.
You can either sign up by connecting a third party account such as Facebook or Google or using your own email. If you choose the former, you can simply click on either the Facebook or Google button to sign up. If you are not already signed in to your Facebook or Google account, you may be prompted to sign in.
If you choose to create an account with your email address instead, you have to enter your first name, last name, email address and password.
Prove that you are not a robot by completing the Captcha.
Click on Create Account.

To finish creating your account, verify your email address by clicking the link in the email sent by us. If you already have a Ranx account, you can Sign in to your account using your email address and password. Note: You must be at least 13 years old to create an account on Ranx. For more information about Ranx, entering a username or email address and troubleshooting, check out our New Users FAQ.

2. Sign into your account

To sign in your account for a new session (after having logged out):

Go to and find the Sign in box on the upper right corner of the page.
Enter your email address and password.
Click on Sign in.

You can also sign in using your Facebook or Google account.
You can decide if you want your browser to remember your email address and password by opting in for Keep me logged in. If you cannot remember your password, click on Forgot your password ? and you will be notified through email about the next steps.

3. Sign out of your account

To sign out of your account:

Go to your profile avatar on the upper right corner of the page (after having signed in) and hover the pointer on top of it.
Click on Sign out.

4. Your Home page

After you sign in to Ranx, you will find a personalized Home page. It will show you the content created by creators you follow, trending and suggested content (either in a grid or list format), subscribed, suggested and trending channels and featured content.
You can browse through the content on your Home page or search for content based on category, keywords or username of the creator. The search results can be filtered according to relevance, time, view count and response. Clicking the Ranx Logo on the left corner of the menu bar on any page will always navigate you to your Home Page after you have signed in.

5. Build your Profile

You can personalize your profile by adding a profile picture and description about you and your channel (500 characters). Your name, username, profile picture, channel description, number of viewers, followers, your content, public activity, date of joining, and discussions will be visible to other users of Ranx by default. Only you can see your private activities, notifications and messages on your profile page. Users can share your profile on other social media sites. You can edit your profile information and channel description, change your password, set your privacy preferences, manage your copyright claims and deactivate your channel by going to Settings or using the Set as Private/Public function. You can also control what information about your activity others can see (including your name) either from Settings or using the Set as Private/Public option in your Activity.

6. Subscribe to channels

You can follow channels you are interested in and get the latest updates about all their content. Users who enjoy your content can follow your channel as well.

To follow, sign in to your account, go to the profile of your preferred content creator and click the follow button. Alternatively, you can also follow a channel/content creator by clicking the follow button on the top of any content just below the content creator's username. (You can subsequently unfollow the channel by clicking on the same button)

When you follow a channel, you will see all the content created by the channel on your Home page feed and get notifications when the creator publishes new content or makes any changes to their published content. You can find the list of channels you are following on the navigation bars on the left of your home page. Alternatively, you can go to your Profile page and click on the followers tab. If you are already following a channel, the follow button next to that channel (e.g. in the search results of a query) will show you as ‘following'.

The follower count of a channel can be found on the content created by the channel and on the profile page of the creator. There are no limits to the number of channels you can follow (total or per day) or the number of followers you can have.

Find channels to follow

Try following channels that you already are interested in.
Get recommendations from the suggested channels that are shown on your home page.
Try following the trending channels shown on the navigation bar on the left of your home page.
If you want to see channels about topics like music, sports, or gaming, go to our list of topics to see popular content by different creators across different categories.
Try searching for things you are interested on Ranx and find channels with content that are relevant to what you searched.
Try following creators on our featured content or trending content.

B. content on Ranx

1.Create your content

Creating content

Start creating your content

Get started by clicking on the Create content tab on the upper right corner of Ranx page. Give a new title to your content and add an introduction or content description that will help viewers understand what this survey is about. As for your introduction image, you can choose to upload one or use an auto generated image from the items that you add later to the content. Alternatively, you can embed a video link for your introduction from any supported video sharing host.

Add items to your survey

To add items to your survey, insert names of your items on the right column of the page. Click on Add Another Item to include more items to your survey. You can add multimedia to each item by uploading related images, GIFs (up to 3 for each item, max 4 MB each) or by embedding a video link. To add a small description for an item, select it from the list on the right-side column and put the description in the box on the left side below the image/video. You must add at least 2 items in order to create a content on Ranx.

Publishing and Responding to your content

Your content will only be visible to others after you have published it. You can choose to save your unfinished content and return to complete and publish it later from your Content Manager. You can also have a preview of the content before you publish it. You must be logged in to your account in order to save, preview or publish your content. (In the case of ranking, your response for the items are the order in which the items are positioned at the time of publishing.) You can add the items in any order and reorder them by using our drag and drop feature to change their position in the column. You can also change the order of the items in the content from ascending to descending or vice versa by clicking on Invert (#1..↓) or ( ↓..#1) button.

Content types and features

A content created on Ranx can be

Always Respondable - Such content can be responded and re-responded to any time after publishing by creator.
Respondable until a certain date determined by the creator - content can be responded or re-responded to by users and creators only until a certain date.
Unrespondable - published with responses by the creator that cannot be further responded to by anyone else.

Learn more about the types of content here.

All published content can be viewed by everyone. But content creators can choose who can respond to their respondable content by sending private links to selected users or can make the content respondable by anyone with a Ranx account.

You can create unlimited dynamic content from your Ranx account.Each content must have a minimum of 2 and may contain up to 999 items. The title of your content and items must be within 100 characters. Content and item names cannot ordinarily be changed after publishing. (Creators may submit a request to edit names which may be accepted on a case by case basis) Content introduction and item descriptions can have as much as 5000 characters.

You can use images, GIF or videos to enhance your survey together with item descriptions. Feel free to add up to 3 images or GIFs for each item on your survey. The maximum size for each image should be 4MB. Alternatively, you can embed a video link relevant to your item from supported hosts like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram etc.

You may edit the thumbnail of an item by choosing one of the three images uploaded to describe the item and determining the area of the chosen image that is to be displayed. For a GIF, you can choose the frame that will be used as thumbnail but not the size or area of the thumbnail. For an embedded video, the thumbnail will be auto generated from the video itself

To make your content easier for other users to find, you can put your content under relevant categories and add relevant tags to it. You can select up to 4 categories and add 2 tags per content.

You can save an incomplete content and preview before publishing them. Your content will only be visible to others after it has been unpublished. Make sure that all your content complies with our Community Guidelines before you publish.

You can find additional information about any content, such as number of likes, dislikes, views and comments, number of users who has responded to the survey, total number of shares (in each platform), and date of publication on top of the image/video/GIF of an item in the survey.

Content categories

Categorizing and tagging your content will make them easier to find when our users search for a topic. You can choose up to 4 of the following categories for each of your surveys when you create them: Movies and TV shows, Music, Celebrity, Gaming, Tech, Sports, Fashion and Lifestyle, Food and Dining, Leisure and Travel, Auto, People and History, Funny or Cute, Books and Education, and Random.

Categories can be added or removed by Ranx.

You can add categories after publishing the content by using our editing feature (up to 4 categories in total). However, you cannot remove a previously added category from a content.

You can also add relevant tags to your content to make it more searchable. Each survey can have up to 2 tags.

2.Publishing your content

A survey becomes public once you publish it. This is applicable for all types of surveys, whether respondable or unrespondable. The survey can be viewed by everyone visiting Ranx platform and may be responded to and shared by other users of Ranx (learn more). Some features of the survey cannot be changed or removed after you publish it while some can be edited. These are:


Content title
Item title
Type of survey


Item description
Content description/ Introduction
Images, GIF, Video
Order of items / Ranks
Number of items

Items can be added to or removed from a published content (learn more). Creators can change their own responses to a published survey.

If your survey is incomplete or not ready to be published, you can save it and complete it later before publishing it. The unpublished survey can be accessed from your Content Manager. If you are unsure about publishing a survey, you can look at the preview of how the published content will appear to others who view the content. You may delete a published survey and then restore it later.

3.Share your content

You can share all types of published content created by you and other users, regardless of whether you have responded or are able to respond to it or not.

You can choose to share a snippet of the survey or the response to a particular item on the survey. In both cases, you can share your own response or the current average response by all users, unless the survey is unrespondable in which case only the responses by the content creator can be shared. You can share a survey/item only with its average response without signing in/creating an account on Ranx platform.

You can share content or items in content from Ranx in the following platforms: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, MySpace, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Digg, and Tumblr.

The total number of shares across all platforms as well as number of shares in each platform for an individual survey can be found on top of image/video/GIF of an item (or introduction image/video/GIF).

4.Edit your content

You can modify existing items of your survey, add new items to or delete an existing item from a survey that you created after publishing it.

You can change, edit or modify introduction and item descriptions without affecting the responses. For each item or the content introduction, you can add, remove or change images, GIF or embedded video link. You can change the order of the existing items (this will be considered a “rerank" by you). You cannot change the title of a survey or an item after publishing the survey.

You can remove existing items from a survey (unless there are only 2 items remaining in the survey). The removed items will be shown below the survey with the responses to the item at the time of removal and the number of people who responded to that item. The removed item can be restored to the survey from the Edit page by dragging and dropping the item on the survey or by simply typing the name of the removed item as a new item. Learn more about the responses of a restored item here. You can add a new item to the survey. The added items will be clearly marked as new in the survey and will be automatically assigned a median position in the survey showing Current Average Response by all users. You may respond to the new item and it will appear in your preferred position on the survey showing Your Responses but will not be visible by other users unless you share your responses. Learn more about our survey Methodology here.

You can edit the thumbnail of an item by choosing one of the three images uploaded to describe the item and determining the area of the chosen image that is to be displayed. For a GIF, you can choose the frame that will be used as thumbnail but not the size or area of the thumbnail. For an embedded video, the thumbnail will be auto generated from the video itself.

You can either choose to Save your edits or Publish them immediately from the Edit page. A list of suggested items will be provided on the Edit page and you can add an item directly from that survey.

You cannot change type of your survey after you have published it. You can add new category or tag unless you have reached the maximum limit (4 categories and 2 tags per survey) but you cannot change or remove categories or tags once the survey is published or the edit is saved.

You can remove an entire survey after it has been published. The original items and their responses are reinstated as it was at the time of removal if you restore a removed survey.

5.Manage your content

You can manage your content from the Content Manager tab below your profile avatar on the upper right corner of Ranx page. The Content manager shows you all your content and allows you:

Publish a saved content
Delete content
Restore deleted content

Deleting a published survey will make it invisible and unrespondable to other users. The deleted survey can be restored from the Content Manager. If you delete a saved but unpublished content, it cannot be recovered from our platform.

6.Respond to the content

Respond to your own content

The order or rank of items in which they are published is considered the response of the content creator. As a content creator, you can respond to your own survey by adding the items in your preferred order or by rearranging the items by dragging and dropping into the desired responses before publishing the survey.
You can change your response after publishing the survey either by submitting a response on the survey page or in the case of respondable content, by editing the survey through the content manager page. In both cases, it will be considered a “rerank" and your previous response will be replaced.

Respond to content created by others

You can respond to all content created by any Ranx user unless:

the survey is unrespondable,
the deadline for submitting responses to the survey has passed,
the content creator has chosen the survey to be responded by only selected people and has not sent you the private link for responding (or you did not access the link through the private link).

Share your response

You can share all types of published content created by you and other users, regardless of whether you are able to or did respond to it or not.

You can also share the responses for a survey or an individual item. For both cases, you can choose to share your own response or the current average response. You must be signed in to share your own response to a survey or an item.

You can choose to share responses of content or items in content from Ranx in the following platforms: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, MySpace, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Digg, and Tumblr. There can be unlimited number of shares by a single user.

Change your response

You can change your response to a survey by clicking on reset or submit at the bottom of a survey. Clicking reset with delete your previous response and show you the Current Average response to the items in the survey. You can drag and drop the items to arrange them according to your desired order and click on Submit make your new response count.

Dragging and dropping without clicking on Submit will not save your new response if you leave the page.

If you do not reset your response but change the order of items by dragging and dropping and then leave the page without clicking on submit, your previous response will be restored.

You can reset and submit your response to a survey as many times as you like unless the survey has a deadline or is unrespondable. However, a Ranx user can have only one valid response per survey at any time. When you change the ranking of item(s) in a survey that you have previously responded to, your previous response is removed from the system and your new submitted response is considered the valid response to the item(s) from then on. In other words, you are not considered a new responder for the survey but rather a “re-responder" and your new response will not affect the number of responders to a survey or an item.


7.View content

You can view and search for content and profiles, and share the average response of a survey or an item without signing in or creating an account on Ranx platform. When any viewer visits a survey, they can see (and do) the following:

Content title
Number of likes, dislikes, views, comments, and shares for a content, username and number of subscriptions of the content creator, number of responders of the content, date of publication of the content
Buttons to subscribe to the content creator, share on different platforms (along with number of shares on each platform)
Image, Video, or GIF of the Content Introduction or survey item. You can click on the play button on the Introduction Image to go the first item of the survey.
Content Introduction or Item description. Users can choose to “See more" or “See less" of these texts.
Comments on the content. Users can switch between the most popular comments on top and the latest comments on top.
All survey items arranged according to their responses. Users can choose to arrange the items in ascending or descending order by “inverting" them. They can also toggle between the “Current Average Response" and “Your Response“ (if users are signed in).
Users can navigate among the survey items by clicking on the item in the survey to see more about it, by clicking on the arrow on either side of the item image or by clicking right or left arrow on the keyboard , to see the previous or next item. Users can also play a slideshow of items in the survey by clicking on the play button at the bottom left corner of the image.
Users can switch between any of the 3(max.) images or GIFs added for each item which appears as thumbnails at the bottom as they user hover the pointer over the image and can minimize or maximize an image/ video or GIF.
Items removed from the survey with their respective responses at the time of removal and the number of responders of each item.
Suggested items for the survey by other anonymous users and number of likes and dislikes for each suggested item. Users can toggle between Suggested items (popular) and Suggested items (latest).
Features to add new comments, suggestions, reset the responses to current average response and submit your own response (these features require the users to be signed in to be functional).
Buttons or features to like, dislike and flag content, item(s), comment(s), suggestion(s).

8.Find content

Ranx has several features that will help you find the content that you are looking for or that you might be interested in.

Survey Topics

Find content on specific subjects that interest you by choosing a category from our Content Topics navigation bar on your Home Page. The categories currently available are: Movies and TV shows, Music, Celebrity, Gaming, Tech, Sports, Fashion and Lifestyle, Food and Dining, Leisure and Travel, Auto, People and History, Funny or Cute, Books and Education, and Random. Hovering on the Browse button will also show you the content topics. Clicking on one of the topics will take you to the index page with all the content that are categorized under that specific topic.

Trending content

Have a look at the content that are trending right now to find out what everyone in the community is talking about at the moment and share your own opinion through your reponses! You can find the content that have been viewed, responded to, liked and shared the most in the running week from the Trending content navigation bar on your Home Page.

Featured content

Go through the Featured content tab on the right side of your Home page to find content that showcase how to make the best use of Ranx platform and brings spotlight on currently relevant topics. All the Featured content are reviewed extensively to ensure that they represent the highest standards to serve as the best example of our end goals.content featured by Ranx can be identified by a red and white star icon on the right corner of the content name.

Popular content

Discover the most popular content of all time on Ranx; content that have been responded to, viewed, liked and discussed the most by our users and viewers, on the right side of your Home page under the Popular content tab.

Latest content

You can find the latest content created on Ranx under the Latest content tab on the right side of the Home page.

Related content

When you view a content, you can also discover a number of other content on similar topic, featured on the right side of the Content page under the Related content tab.

Trending channels

Channels that are growing popular and have had the most views in the last 7 days can be found on the Trending channels bar on your Home page. You can subscribe to Trending channels or go through their content to find something that might spark your interest.

Suggested channels

Find the channels recommended for you by Ranx based on your activity on our platform by clicking on the Suggested Channel bar on your Home Page and discover content that are most relevant to your interests


Type in the keywords of a content, name or username of a content creator in our Search bar on the top of any page and we will find the most relevant content for you to browse through. You can make your search results more accurate by applying available filters like Relevance, Upload Time, View count or Number of responses.

Followed channels

You can find the content created by content creators you are following on your Home page by going to the following bar and selecting the content creator of your choice. The number of content by channels to which you have recently subscribed to (but have not visited yet) will appear beside their name under this bar.

C. Interaction in Ranx Community

Ranx is your best source of aggregated opinions about anything and everything. But you can also share your opinion, support your favorite content creator and express yourself through other features on the platform.


Besides submitting your own responses, you can voice your opinion through a survey, a content creator or an item of a survey through your comments which can be up to 1000 characters. Users must be signed in to post a comment but comments can be viewed by all viewers of the platform. You can view and post comments on any content whether you are able to respond to it or not. Users can like, dislike and flag comments after having signed in. You can toggle between Comments (popular) where comments appear according to the number of Likes and Comments (latest) where they appear based on the time they were posted (with the latest at top). You can load more comments by clicking on the button below the comments.

You can reply to comments made by others. You can delete your comment but cannot edit it. If you have a reply to your comment, deleting the comment will not remove the entire thread and it will be indicated that a comment has been deleted. If your comment does not have any reply, deleting it will delete the entire thread. You can flag and report a comment if you find it to be spam, inappropriate and against our Community Guidelines.

2. Sharing

You can share your own content or content created by other users across multiple social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, MySpace, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Digg, and Tumblr). You can share current average response (with or without signing in) of an item or a survey, or share your own response to an item or a survey. There can be unlimited number of shares by a single viewer or user.

3. Subscription

You can get all the updates from your favorite content creators by subscribing to their channel. Subscription (and Unsubscription) buttons are found on the profile page of the creator and on the content created by them. You will be notified when your subscribed channel publishes a new content or makes any changes to any of the published content. A content creator may have unlimited number of followers and can subscribe to unlimited number of channels.

4. Discussion

As a content creator, you may choose to openly discuss your ideas, content etc. with other users and can do so from your profile page with our Discussion Tab. Either you or another user can start a topic and make public comments on it from your profile page. Other users can also use this feature to comment on your profile. You can turn-off Discussion on your profile from the Settings option to stop other users commenting on your profile.

5. Messaging

Get in touch with other users and content creators by sending them a message. You can find the Message option on the profile page of a user. This conversation is not open to public. Any threatening, abusive messages (or messages that violates our Community Guidelines can be reported to Ranx Team. You can also block individual users in our messaging feature.

6. Suggestion

If you think a content is missing an item that should have been there, you can let the content creator know about it through our anonymous Suggestion feature at the bottom of the survey. You can also go through the suggestions made by other users in the Suggested Items and Like (if you agree) or Dislike (if you disagree) them. You can toggle between Suggested Items (Popular) where items appear according to the number of Likes and Suggested Items (Latest) where items appear based on the time they were posted (with the latest at top). If your new suggestion is added to the survey by the content creator, a green tick will appear beside it on the suggestion list. If you think a suggestion is inappropriate or hateful or against are community guidelines, you can flag and report it anonymously.

7. Like and Dislike

Give everyone else a snippet of your opinion by Liking or Disliking content, items, comments, profiles, or suggestions. If you disagree or just simply disapprove click on Dislike. If you think the content is inappropriate or harmful in any way, flag and report it to let us know.

8. Flag

You can anonymously Flag and Report items, content, channels, comments and suggestions if you think that the content is spam, inappropriate and against our Community Guidelines. When the number of Flags exceed a certain predetermined threshold, the content will be automatically removed or the channel will be automatically suspended without notice. Ranx team will review and may override this automated decision.
To flag content on our platform:

Sign in to your Ranx account
Go to the content (content, channel, item, comment or suggestion) you want to flag
Tap the Flag content/item/profile icon or the icon on comment and suggestion
Select one or more reporting option
Click on Report button

You can unflag a content or change the reporting options of an already flagged content from the same place by simply unticking and/or ticking the reporting options and clicking Report button to register your updated flag/unflag.
Learn more about Flagging here.

9. Online Report

You can submit official reports if any content is violating your rights (such as copyright, trademark etc.), your privacy or is against our Content Policy through our web-form.

Manage your account

A. Sign in and Password

1. Sign into your account

To sign in your account for a new session (after having logged out):

Go to and find the Sign in box on the upper right corner of the page.
Enter your email address and password.
Click on Sign in.

You can also sign in using your Facebook or Google account.
You can decide if you want your browser to remember your email address and password by opting in for Keep me logged in.
If you cannot remember your password, click on Forgot your password? and you will be notified through email about the next steps.

2. Sign out of your account

To sign out of your account:

1. Go to your profile avatar on the upper right corner of the page (after having signed in) and hover the pointer on top of it.
2. Click on Sign out.
3. Reset your password

3. Reset or change your password

To reset or change your password,

1. Sign in to your account and then go to Settings tab under your profile avatar on the upper right corner of the page.
2. Select Change Password (from the right-side column) and type in your current, new password and confirm the new password in respective boxes.
3. Confirm by clicking on the Save Changes button.

Users will be notified of a change or resetting of password by email.

B. Profile and Setting

1. Username

You can choose a unique username when you create your account. Your username will be visible on your content, your comments and on your profile. You can change your username from the Edit profile link on your profile page or by going to Settings and selecting Edit Your Profile. Learn more about username in New Users FAQ.

2. Your Profile

Ranx asks the users to provide personal information like, full name, date of birth, gender and nationality. You can edit these details later by going to Settings and selecting to Edit your profile or by clicking on the Edit Profile link on your profile page.

You can personalize your profile by adding a profile picture and a description of your channel (500 characters).

To a viewer, your profile page will display your name (can be made private), username, profile picture, channel description, number of viewers, followers, shares, your public content, date of joining Ranx community, public activity and your public discussion thread.

To you, your profile page will also show your private activities,private content, your messages and your notifications. Private activity shows all your activities and Public activities shows those which you have Public. You can toggle between your Private and Public activities when you visit your profile. Profiles can be shared by any user across different social media platforms.

3. Settings

To find your Settings, go to your avatar on the upper right corner of any Ranx page and click to find the Settings tab.
You can edit your profile information, username and channel description from Settings. You can control what notifications you receive and which of your activities can be seen by others. Passwords can be reset and accounts can be deactivated from Settings as well.

You must remember to click on Save changes at the bottom of the page to confirm any changes you made in your Settings.

C. Privacy

Your profile information like date of birth, gender, nationality and email address are private and cannot be viewed by others. Your name is public by default but can be made private by changing the settings. Your username is always public.
You can choose and control which of your activities will be public from Settings or using the Make Public/Private function. You can also choose not to have a public Discussion option on your profile where other users can comment on your profile. All your notifications are private.
Your published content are visible to all viewers. But you can select users who can respond to your content by sending them private links to your content.

D. Notification

You will receive notifications immediately on our platform as well as through emails. You will be notified when

another user likes, shares, responses, makes suggestions or comments on your survey,
someone replies to your comment or in your comment thread, likes or dislikes your suggestion, likes or follows to your channel, or comments on your profile
your flagging and reporting results in a removal, suspension or ban.

You can opt out of email notifications entirely or choose to receive a weekly or daily digest.
You can turn off notifications (on platform and by emails) for activities for an individual survey or for all content by going to your account Settings. You can choose among the following 4 options for notification of all or each of your activities.

Off except for those I turned On
On except for those I turn Off
All On.

You can also control your notification by using the Turn Notification On/Off function for individual activity, content, or comment thread. Any changes in username, password and email address, and deactivation of an account will be notified by email.

E. Activity

Your activities on Ranx can be found on your profile page and are categorized as Public and Private. All activities are listed on your Private activity tab. The following activities are Public by default and can be seen by anyone who visits your profile.

You can change the default setting of your Public activities (and make it Private) through your account Settings. For each type of activity, you can choose from the 4 following options:

PRIVATE but show those I made PUBLIC
PUBLIC but hide those I made PRIVATE

You can control the status of each activity as well by using the Make Public/Private function beside each activity.

F. Deactivating or deleting your account

To deactivate your account

1. Sign in to your account and then go to Settings tab under your profile avatar on the upper right corner of the page.
2. Select Deactivate account bar from the right-side column.
3. Confirm by clicking on Deactivate Account button. Deactivating your account will make your profile and your content invisible to other users, but will not remove your responses, comments, messages, suggestions, likes, dislikes, likes or dislikes from the system.

You can restore your content and profile by reactivating your account.
To reactivate your account, simply Sign in using your email address and your password.
To permanently delete your account from Ranx, contact our team by emailing to
If you find an account that belongs to a child under 13 years of age, you can report it by writing to Ranx will delete such account if the account owner cannot provide proof of their age.

Troubleshooting and Sign in help

A. Forgotten Password

If you cannot remember your password, go to Sign in option on the upper-right corner of Ranx page and click on “Forgot your password?". An email will be sent to you with a link to reset your password for the account.

B. Email and Username troubleshooting

You can only Sign in to your account using your email address and not your username or name. If you have received an email that you have created a Ranx account without having done so, click on the Not My Account link on the email for further instructions. Email address and username are unique to an account. You cannot create multiple accounts using the same email address. If your chosen username is already taken by someone else, you can use a variation of it. If your username was changed as a result of your account being hacked, you can recover your account and change it back. If you think someone else is impersonating you or breaching your trademark/copyright, report it to us as well. If you have lost access to your email account we cannot release the Ranx account or the associated username to you. Although we understand that this can be frustrating, this policy is meant to ensure Ranx accounts don't fall into the wrong hands.

C. Disabled/Suspended accounts

Users will usually receive warning via email as well as on our platform if an account is at risk of suspension or ban due to flagging and/or reporting. Unless an allegedly offending conduct is corrected or explained, the account may be banned or suspended. In case of a suspension, you will receive an email informing you the duration of suspension period. Channels that has been flagged by a certain percentage of the viewers may be automatically suspended. Ranx may override this automated decision after reviewing the content. You can also appeal against the suspension or ban of an account. Depending on the frequency or nature of offence, account(s) may be suspended or banned without warning. If you believe your account was suspended or banned by mistake and without warning, you may report to us using our troubleshooting web-form . If your account was suspended or banned with warning, you can appeal to us for restoring the account. If have not received an email informing of the suspension or ban, you may be experiencing a sign in issue. If your account was deleted by you it cannot be restored. In such cases, a new account with the same email address can be created, but you will lose all your content and settings and you may not be able to get the same username if it has been claimed by someone else.

D. Other issues and error message

If you face any other issues while using our platform, you can file a troubleshooting report by our web-form or contact us at and send us a user feedback.

Privacy and safety

A. Your Privacy

Our users come to Ranx to share opinions and engage with each other. Ranx wants you to feel safe when you are on the platform and encourage you to inform us if content or comments on the platform violate your privacy or sense of safety. The followings are guidelines to protect our user's privacy apply to all users across the world. While a content in question may not violate privacy laws of the content creator's country, it may still violate Ranx's privacy guidelines. We address more potential privacy concerns of our users in our Privacy and Safety FAQ.

1. Reporting a Privacy violation

You must be uniquely identifiable within the content you seek to report for a breach of privacy (learn more). A privacy violation can often feel harassing by nature. If any user is maliciously posting content about you or directing insults at you, it can be considered harassment. It is possible that the user is not aware that someone feels uncomfortable with a content or comment that they have posted. We advise you to begin by contacting the content creator or commenter to let them know and ask to take down the content in question. You can use our messaging feature to do this. You must decide if this content or comment violates your privacy or there is something else about it that you find objectionable. If you think that the content violates Ranx's Community Guidelines, please flag and report it (and ask your friends and family to do the same) to help us remove it as soon as possible. If you want to bring the content to our attention, you can file a complaint using our online form for reporting privacy violation. We advise you to go through our Privacy and Safety FAQ and Community Guidelines before proceeding to filing a complaint. If you use this complaint process to harass other people on the platform or to create false privacy reports, your Ranx account may be suspended or banned. If someone copies a video that you created or content that you own, you may wish to file a copyright complaint.

2. Tips on filing a complete privacy complaint

Please be clear and concise so that the Ranx team can identify you or your information within the content.

Use the exact URL of the content, channel, comment or other description that contains your personal information.
Please specify (in the description box, if applicable):
a. where in the channel your personal information is divulged; channel name, profile picture, channel description, discussion thread.
b. where in the content your personal information is mentioned; content title, tag, content description, comment(s), item(s).
c. the item title(s) in which this information can be found.
d. where in the item this information is mentioned; item description, image, video, GIF.
In the description box, please specify your personal details that differentiates you from others within the video.
If you are reporting a comment on a post, include the commenter's username in the description area.

3.Receiving notice of a privacy violation

Ranx provides the user, who has potentially violated someone's privacy, an opportunity to remove or edit the private information on our platform (if it has not already been automatically removed by our flagging system). We will notify you through email you about the potential violation and allow you 48 hours to act on the complaint. If the alleged violation is removed from the platform within the 48 hours, the complaint filed will then be closed. If not, the complaint will be reviewed by our team.
If we remove your content for a privacy violation, please do not repost another version featuring the same content. This may result in another privacy complaint or report for harassment. Such conduct(s) may result in a suspension/ban from our platform.
Learn more about reporting privacy violation in our Privacy and Safety FAQ.

B. Flagging and Reporting

Ranx relies on you to anonymously flag and report channels and content (profiles, content, items, comments and suggestions) that you find inappropriate and may violate our Community Guidelines. Flagged profile or content will not be automatically taken down by the system until it reaches a certain threshold predetermined by Ranx (except for Intellectual Property Infringement). Such removal will be reviewed by Ranx who reserves the right to override any automatic suspension and has the final say on whether a flagged element contravenes the Community Guidelines. To flag a channel or a content:

1. Sign into your Ranx account
2. Go to the channel or content (survey, item, comment or suggestion) you would like to flag
3. Tap on the Flag icon beside the content
4. Select one or more reporting option
5. Click on Report

You can unflag a content or change the reporting options of an already flagged content from the same place by simply unticking and/or ticking the reporting options and clicking Report button to register your updated flag/unflag. In addition to our flagging system, you can use our online form to report issues such as

a)Copyright Infringement
b)Trademark infringement
c)Privacy violation
e)Child Endangerment
f)Other legal issues

C. Hacked & Fake Accounts

Your account should represent you and only you should have access to your account. If someone gains access to your account, you can recover it in following ways:

If your account password has not been changed and you can still access the account, you can change your account password to keep it safe.

If the hacker has changed the password, you can recover your account by clicking on Forgot your password? during Sign in. A link to reset your account will be emailed to you. However, if your email account associated with the Ranx account has been hacked as well and/or you have lost access to it, you can recover your Ranx account by answering the security questions (set up by you) or entering your account PIN. If you haven't set any of our security measures for recovering account, you can still verify whether the account belongs to you through our online questionnaire. Following the recovery of a hacked account, all activities from the date of hacking to the date of restoring will be removed.

If someone creates an account to pretend to be you or someone else, you can flag and report the account and inform us using our online form. We also encourage you to flag accounts that represent fake people, celebrities or organizations. You can also report impersonation using our web-form which is the simplest and fastest way to bring it to our attention.



Copyright Infringement

Ranx respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects the same from users of Ranx. Our policy is to suspend or permanently ban the accounts of people who repeatedly infringe or are repeatedly charged with infringing copyrights or other intellectual property rights, in appropriate circumstances and at our discretion.
In line with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Ranx will respond promptly to claims of copyright infringement on our platform submitted to us. If you are a copyright owner or authorized to act on behalf of one, you can report alleged copyright infringements on Ranx by completing this online form or by sending required information to us via email, fax or mail.
Upon receiving your DMCA notice, a pre-defined legal process will be started. The received complaint will be reviewed for accuracy, validity, and completeness, and if and when these requirements are satisfied, Ranx will act on the request. This action includes forwarding a full copy of the notice (including name, address, phone and email address of complainant) to the user(s) who posted the allegedly infringing material in question as well as removal or restriction of access to the content.
When we remove, or restrict access to content in response to a DMCA notice, we will notify the affected user who published it on Ranx. The notification email will contain full copy of the notice as well as instructions of how to file a counter-notice. A complete copy of the notice may be sent to others, as appropriate.
See our Copyright Infringement FAQs for more information.

Trademark Infringement

Ranx respects the trademark rights of others. Trademark infringement is improper or unauthorized use of a trademark in a way that is likely to cause confusion as to the source of that product. Ranx prohibits content and channels that infringe trademarks. Accounts with usernames, profile picture, channel description, content, or any other content that misleads others or violates another's trademark may be removed, suspended or permanently banned.

If you are concerned that your trademark is being infringed on Ranx platform, you can inform us through our trademark complaint form. It should be noted that Ranx is not in a position to mediate trademark disputes between user and trademark owner and encourages trademark owners to resolve such disputes directly with the user who published the content in question. Contacting the uploader may resolve things more quickly in a way that is more beneficial to you, the uploader, and the Ranx community.

In cases where an agreement cannot be reached with the user in question, you can submit a complaint through our Trademark complaint form . We will also accept free-form trademark complaints with required information, submitted by email and mail. A limited investigation of reasonable complaints will be performed by Ranx followed by removal of content in clear cases of infringement.

If you receive trademark complaint notification from Ranx, you can contact the complainant to resolve the trademark dispute. If the content was removed based on U.S. trademark rights, you can contest it by emailing to with sufficient information and evidence that prove complaint invalid. Please include the trademark complaint reference ID from the notification.
See our Trademark Infringement FAQs to learn more.

Contact Us

You can contact Ranx team through our online form or by emailing at for any of the following purpose: (include mailing address and fax?)

a. Reporting a problem/Troubleshooting
b. Sending Feedback as a user
c. Cooperation with Law Enforcement
d. Deleting account
e. Reporting a Policy/ Community Guideline Violation

Contact us at to report a

i. Copyright Infringement
ii. Trademark Infringement

If you choose to submit comments, ideas or feedback, to improve our Platform , you agree that we are free to use them without any restriction or compensation to you. By accepting your submission, Ranx does not waive any rights to use similar or related Feedback previously known to Ranx, or developed by its employees, or obtained from sources other than you.See our Terms (Section 8) to learn more about contributions.

Ranx is currently in Alpha (development) stage. If you have any complaints, email us at or flag the content.