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Most popular songs of Lalon sai
Published on 17th May 2018
লালন (জন্ম: ১৭৭৪ - মৃত্যু: ১৭ অক্টোবর, ১৮৯০) ছিলেন বহুমুখী প্রতিভার অধিকারী একজন বাঙালি। যিনি ফকির লালন, লালন সাঁই, লালন শাহ, মহাত্মা লালন ইত্যাদি নামেও পরিচিত। তিনি একাধারে একজন আধ্যাত্মিক বাউল সাধক, মানবতাবাদী, সমাজ সংস্কারক এবং দার্শনিক। তিনি অসংখ্য গানের গীতিকার, সুরকার ও গায়ক ছিলেন। লালনকে বাউল গানের অগ্রদূতদের অন্যতম একজন হিসেবে বিবেচনা করা হয়।তার গানের মাধ্যমেই উনিশ শতকে বাউল গান বেশ জনপ্রিয়তা অর্জন করে। তাকে ‘বাউল সম্রাট’ হিসেবেও আখ্যায়িত করা হয়ে থাকে। লালন ছিলেন একজন মানবতাবাদী। যিনি ধর্ম, বর্ণ, গোত্রসহ সকল প্রকার জাতিগত বিভেদ থেকে সরে এসে মানবতাকে সর্বোচ্চ স্থান দিয়েছিলেন। অসাম্প্রদায়িক এই মনোভাব থেকেই তিনি তার গান রচনা করেছেন।[৭] তার গান ও দর্শন যুগে যুগে প্রভাবিত করেছে রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর,কাজী নজরুল ও অ্যালেন গিন্সবার্গের মতো বহু খ্যাতনামা কবি, সাহিত্যিক, দার্শনিক, বুদ্ধিজীবীসহ অসংখ্য মানুষকে। তার গানগুলো মূলত বাউল গান হলেও বাউল সম্প্রদায় ছাড়াও যুগে যুগে বহু সঙ্গীতশিল্পীর কণ্ঠে লালনের এই গানসমূহ উচ্চারিত হয়েছে।গান্ধীরও ২৫ বছর আগে, ভারত উপমহাদেশে সর্বপ্রথম, তাকে ‘মহাত্মা’ উপাধি দেওয়া হয়েছিল।
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Rank the best song in Ami ashbo fire(2018) by Anjaan Dutta
Published on 19th Feb 2018
In ‘Ranjana Ami Ar Ashbona’ it was Parno Mitra, now it’s time for Swastika Mukherjee! Anjan Dutt makes another bold movie. The official trailer of his musical project ‘Aami Ashbo Phirey’ has already been released and has Swastika, newcomer Darshana Banik, Anindya Chatterjee and Koushik Sen along with director himself. Swastika simply incorporates a classy appeal to her evergreen sari look along with her great acting prowess. She has previously worked with Anjan in 'Byomkesh O Agnibaan’.It's been 11 long years since Anjan has worked with his son Neel. ‘Aami Ashbo Phirey’ is among the 25 projects announced by SVF Entertainment Pvt Ltd last month. The production house will reportedly spend a staggering Rs 100 crore to produce all the 25 films. Dutt has a knack for musicals. But he has managed to diversify his preferred theme in recent projects. The director of ‘The Bong Connection’ (2006), ‘Madly Bangalee’ (2009), and ‘Chowrasta: Crossroads Of Love’ (2009) has now returned to his traditional musical roots. The story of the film reportedly follows a journey through pain and loneliness while music being the sole hope to inspire the characters to forgive, forget and move on. Reports suggest that the film will introduce seven songs that are believed to have played a significant role in Dutt’s personal life so far. ‘Aami Ashbo Phirey’ will hit the theatres on April 27 . Watch the trailer here.
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10 items 1 response
Rank The Best songs by "Mohineer Ghoraguli"
Published on 19th Feb 2018
Moheener Ghoraguli (translation: Moheen's Horses) was a Bengali independent music group from Kolkata, established in 1975. It is difficult to classify them into a musical genre, as their music drew from wide variety of influences, including the Baul and folk traditions of Indian music and Jazz. Their style of music can be loosely called Jazz Baul. Established in the 1970s during a period of stagnation in Bengali music, when commercial film songs were the dominant market force, the lyrics (and to some extent the compositions) of leader Gautam Chattopadhyay were radically new. They were of a very personal or social nature, similar to the urban folk movement led by Bob Dylan in the 60s. Though they were almost unknown in their time, in recent years they have undergone a critical re-evaluation much like the Velvet Underground. In recognition of this renewed interest, Gautam released a compilation of Mohiner Ghoraguli covers by contemporary artists, Aabaar Bochhor Kuri Pore in 1995. They have since come to be considered an unrecognised pioneers of the jibonmukhi style and ethics, decades ahead of their times. They are sometimes also credited as the pioneers of the flourishing of Bengali bands in the new millennium. This is debatable as their songwriting was strongly rooted in Bengali folk and also American urban folk, while modern Bengali bands like Fossils and Insomnia are influenced by grunge. Their signature song is Prithibita Naki (পৃথিবীটা নাকি), a reflection on how television creates urban alienation. It has been covered by many artists.
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