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Best Episode of HBO's Chernobyl
Published on 24th Jul 2019
Right on the heels of Game of Thrones finale, HBO, in collaboration with SKY, came out with a gem of a miniseries - Chernobyl. Within weeks after release, the show shot up to the top of IMDB's best TV shows list beating out the likes of Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones and Band of Brothers. It is hard to think of a show that is as stunning on a technical level and in terms of writing. Its portrayal of radiation as an invisible "monster" that can only be detected with dosimeters easily makes it one of the scariest shows ever to grace TV. It expertly blends horror movie elements without ever falling into the canned tropes of the genre. On the contrary, it is very respectful to the real events of the actual disaster in 1986 and is always mindful of the fact that this is a real place with real people that were, and still are, affected by the tragedy. What immediately stands out to viewers of the series is how real it seems, so much so that it could very well have been a documentary. Despite the heaviness and immense scale of the event, the show does an incredible job of focusing on the personal horrors and agonies faced by people introduced in the show - which makes it immediately more relatable. Even famous individuals, whether they be scientists or politicians, are depicted with all their foibles, concerns and worries in a viscerally real way. Arguably, the biggest success of the show is that it allowed people around the world for the first time to learn about the incredible heroism and sacrifice of the Soviet people in trying to save a continent - facts that were hidden from the public for more than 30 years.
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Best Tintin Comic Books
Published on 27th Nov 2017
The Adventures of Tintin (French: Les Aventures de Tintin; [lez‿avɑ̃tyʁ də tɛ̃tɛ̃]) is a series of comic albums created by Belgian cartoonist Georges Remi, who wrote under the pen name Hergé. The series was one of the most popular European comics of the 20th century. By 2007, a century after Hergé's birth in 1907, Tintin had been published in more than 70 languages with sales of more than 200 million copies, and have been adapted for radio, television, theatre, and film. The series is set during a largely realistic 20th century. Its hero is Tintin, a courageous young Belgian reporter and adventurer. He is aided by his faithful dog Snowy (Milou in the original French edition). Other protagonists include the brash and cynical Captain Haddock and the intelligent but hearing-impaired Professor Calculus (French: Professeur Tournesol), as well as the incompetent detectives Thomson and Thompson (French: Dupont et Dupond) and the opera diva Bianca Castafiore. The series has been admired for its clean, expressive drawings in Hergé's signature ligne claire ("clear line") style. Its well-researched plots straddle a variety of genres: swashbuckling adventures with elements of fantasy, mysteries, political thrillers, and science fiction. The stories feature slapstick humour, offset by dashes of sophisticated satire and political or cultural commentary. Here you'll find a list of all the books that are part of the Tintin Canon - rank them from best to worst and let everyone know why you think that's what the order should be!
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Rank the Best Feluda Stories
Published on 12th Jan 2018
There is perhaps no greater Bengali detective series than the famed writer and Oscar-winning director Satyajit Ray's Feluda (ফেলুদা) series. From his humble abode in 21 Rajani Sen Road, Ballygonj, Kolkata, Feluda or Prodosh Chandra Mitra, (প্রদোষ চন্দ্র মিত্র) becomes a celebrated private investigator over a series of 35+ novels and short stories, traveling all over India and beyond with his cousin and ever present "satellite" Topshe (Tapesh Ranjan Mitra) and his lighthearted but dependable friend Jatayu (Lalmohan Ganguly). Replete with drama, suspense, intriguing characters and Ray's unique brand of quaint humor, Feluda stories always hold a class of their own. Starting from Feludar Goendagiri in 1965, there have been 35 complete stories which include full-length novels and short stories and 2 unfinished stories, many of which have been turned into feature films for both the big screen and television. These have included such luminaries as Soumitra Chatterjee and Sabyasachi Chakrabarty and have been directed both by Satyajit Ray's son Sandip Ray and Satyajit Ray himself. Even after half a century of the publication of the first Feluda, the series still earns new fans every day. We all have our favorite stories from the series that we fondly remember and recount to each other. Which ones do you think are the best and why? Rank this list by dragging and dropping the items and hit submit to update the average. And let me and others know why you like your favorite ones in the comments below.
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