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Best Age of Empires II Civilizations
Published on 20th Nov 2017
Age of Empires II is one of the most beloved real-time strategy games of all time. Developed by Ensemble Studios and published by Microsoft in 1999 as a sequel to the legendary Age of Empires, the game received "universal acclaim" upon release and remains a staple for RTS fans to this day. Since its initial release as Age of Empires II: Age of Kings, four expansions to the game and an HD remake has also been produced - Age of Empires II: The Conquerors (2000), Age of Empires II: HD Edition (2013), Age of Empires II HD: The Forgotten (2013) (based on the fan-made Forgotten Empires), Age of Empires II HD: The African Kingdoms (2015) and Age of Empires II HD: Rise of the Rajas (2016). At the heart of the award-winning gameplay of AOE 2 are the civilizations that players are able to choose to play with. In addition to their distinct art and play style, these civilizations have their unique set of advantages and disadvantages which are based fundamentally on a "rock-paper-scissors" architecture. This delicate balance of strengths and weaknesses extends all the way up from the overarching meta-strategy (e.g. economic boom beats defensive gameplay which in turn beats early rush strategy) down to individual units (e.g, infantry are generally powerful against buildings but weak against cavalry, thus the infantry counter units—spearmen and pikemen—have attack bonuses against cavalry). Because of the attention paid towards making each civilization as balanced as possible, any discussion of the relative ranking of these civilizations in terms of overall strength is often hotly contested. Now is the time to put all of that debate to rest - this list contains all the civilizations and their specialties in Age of Empires II and all its expansions. Rank these in the order of best to worst and let's find out what everyone thinks on average. Happy ranking and Wololo! Source(s): Age of Empires Wikia and Wikipedia
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43 items 8 responses
Best Asterix Comic Books
Published on 18th Dec 2017
"The Adventures of Asterix" is a beloved French comics series originally written by René Goscinny and illustrated by Albert Uderzo (until Goscinny's death in 1977). The series follows the adventures of Asterix, Obelix and a village of indomitable Gauls as they resist Roman occupation under Julius Caesar in 50 BC. They do so by means of a magic potion brewed by their druid Getafix which temporarily gives them superhuman strength. Many of the stories have Asterix, Obelix, Dogmatix and sometimes Getafix travel to foreign countries, though others are set in and around their village. For most of the series, settings in Gaul and abroad were alternated, with even-numbered volumes being set abroad and odd-numbered volumes being set in Gaul, mostly in the village and the surrounding Roman camps. Asterix continues to be one of the most popular comics in the world and has been translated into over 100 languages! The success of the series has led to 13 films: nine animated, and four live action. There have also been a number of games based on the characters, and a theme park near Paris called Parc Astérix. In 2013, a new team consisting of Jean-Yves Ferri (script) and Didier Conrad (artwork) took over the work of creating and publishing new volumes from Uderzo. As of 2017, 37 volumes have been released and several Asterix films have been converted into books. Which book is your favorite? Rank this list by dragging and dropping the items and hit submit to update the average. Don't forget to share and subscribe. May the sky never fall on your heads, by Toutatis!
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25 items 16 responses
Best Tintin Comic Books
Published on 27th Nov 2017
The Adventures of Tintin (French: Les Aventures de Tintin; [lez‿avɑ̃tyʁ də tɛ̃tɛ̃]) is a series of comic albums created by Belgian cartoonist Georges Remi, who wrote under the pen name Hergé. The series was one of the most popular European comics of the 20th century. By 2007, a century after Hergé's birth in 1907, Tintin had been published in more than 70 languages with sales of more than 200 million copies, and have been adapted for radio, television, theatre, and film. The series is set during a largely realistic 20th century. Its hero is Tintin, a courageous young Belgian reporter and adventurer. He is aided by his faithful dog Snowy (Milou in the original French edition). Other protagonists include the brash and cynical Captain Haddock and the intelligent but hearing-impaired Professor Calculus (French: Professeur Tournesol), as well as the incompetent detectives Thomson and Thompson (French: Dupont et Dupond) and the opera diva Bianca Castafiore. The series has been admired for its clean, expressive drawings in Hergé's signature ligne claire ("clear line") style. Its well-researched plots straddle a variety of genres: swashbuckling adventures with elements of fantasy, mysteries, political thrillers, and science fiction. The stories feature slapstick humour, offset by dashes of sophisticated satire and political or cultural commentary. Here you'll find a list of all the books that are part of the Tintin Canon - rank them from best to worst and let everyone know why you think that's what the order should be!
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